Condolences for Tony Graham

We have created this page in honour of Tony, where you may leave a message of condolence or share a memory. If you would prefer your thoughts to be known by the Graham family privately, to not be displayed on this page, please tick the box below.

From John

It was with huge sadness that I heard a while back about Tony's passing. Spending my twilight selling years in his company was one of my life's great privileges. He loved nothing better than to discuss my own & others music performance encounters, & I know along with the countless others that had that opportunity he will be deeply missed. 

From Charles

So sorry to hear this news. Tony got me started on my hifi journey decades ago. He was always kind and helpful but also precise and uncompromising. Just what I found helpful. My condolences to his family and the Graham’s HiFi team. 

From George

Condolences to all Tony's family and friends, a true gentleman. 

From Adrian

Its been a while since I saw Tony as the quality of the equipment he sold me just goes on and on.
One of nature's gentleman is the best way I can describe Tony. The fact that he set up and ran such a forthright business is a graet tribute to him.
Tony always put service high in importance and the training he and Mike Lewin gave to staff in the early days made it a pleasure to spend your money.
The company philosophy regarding product ranges stocked always left one with the feeling that you got what you wanted for a fair and reasonable price.
I'm delighted that David and his siblings are carrying on the business in true Graham's fashion.
I wish David, Sue and Peter "Long Life".

All the best to family and longserving staff.

From Alison

I met Tony only once, when arriving to look into my first hifi equipment (1980s). His company had been recommended to me by friends from Geneva. I much admired the friendly and serious way in which my modest requirements were considered by the employee who spent a couple of hours describing the possibilities to me. And when I returned a couple of years ago to update my system, the level of help was still the same.

Thank you, Tony, for creating a great company with great people! 

From James

I will forever have memories of Tony's knowing smile as I entered his office asking for more bags of 'parking money' - bags of one and two pound coins, which he knew for sure that I'd spend in the newsagents across the road to buy food and drinks for the day ahead.
A truly lovely and caring man.

From Patricia

I am very sorry to hear of the passing away of Tony Graham and saddened that he had such a horrible disease .
He was such a gentleman and was very kind to me when I purchased my second Linn many moons ago
Rip to Tony a lovely man and I'm sorry for the families loss especially David

From Peter

Thanks for everything Tony. Your legacy lives on through your amazing company and world class team. Much appreciated.

From Colin

I have such fond memories of speaking frequently on the phone with Tony, 20 years ago, when I first joined the audio industry. Such a kind man, always offering gentle guidance on what we should be doing to succeed.

Condolences to the family.

From Martin

I am so very sorry to read of Tony's passing. I have the fondest memories of working at Grahams in the eighties and nineties and of Tony's kindness, decency, knowledge and wit. The world is the poorer for his loss. My love to Sue, Peter, David and the wider Grahams family.

From Howard

Very sad news. He personally sold me my first kit in 1980, including my Rega Planar 3 which I still use. And he and Eva were kind enough to pop into my flat in Tel Aviv to deliver some spares. A really lovely guy and gentleman.

From Freddie

I was so saddened to hear of Tony Grahams passing. I have been a customer at Graham’s for many years & did some work for Tony when Graham’s was still in Pentonville Road. He was a very kind & gentle man & I will never forget him. It was a privilege to know him. My love & condolences to David, Sue & Peter.

From Jennifer

So sad to hear of Tony's death. I have purchased equipment at Grahams for many years - but not very often. I was always greeted by Tony as if he remembered me. He had great people skills and he always made me feel special.

From Paul

I am very sorry to hear of the passing of Tony. I met him many times during my visits to Grahams at Pentonville Road and later at Canonbury Yard. Tony always took time to come over and speak to me and was always interested to know if I had any plans to travel. He was was a very personable and highly intelligent man and I had great respect for him and the business that he had build up with the help of his close family. My condolences to his family and the great team at Grahams Hifi.