Brigadier by Serhan + Swift are an Australian company drawing on the experience of designer, Brad Serhan who has over 30 years of speaker design experience and his business partner, electronic engineer Morris Swift and their team. They are distributed in the UK by Mian Audio and we are their sole representative in London.
Brigadier’s approach was to produce a speaker with “heart & soul”. They have used ScanSpeak drivers and quality Solen crossover in combination with their “low noise-floor” birch-ply cabinets and constrained layered “at source” dampening technology.
The Mu.2 is the only model available in the UK and is currently only available in black.
Brigadier distributors, Mian Audio recently loaned us a pair of Mu.2 speakers which were partnered with some SolidSteel SS-6 stands and we were blown away with what we heard.
ob, who recently joined the Grahams Sales Team reviewed the speakers.
“Listening to these yielded details in music I had never heard on a small stand-mount speaker. Listening to “Testarossa” by Matt Lange the bass was like a warm blanket from the waist down, whereas the treble sparkled above my ears, like hearing a Dolby Atmos soundtrack through ceiling speakers. It truly impressed me that these speakers were giving such an effective third dimension of sound.
Although we tested these with a Naim Classic system the Brigadiers provided a fantastic sound across the board with our brands of amplifiers such as Arcam, Linn, and Rega. It reproduced the character of the amplifier without colouration. If you enjoy listening to music the way it was recorded by the engineers and producers, instead of listening to the ‘signature sound’ of speakers, the Brigadiers are a must listen.
They were easy to drive even with more cost-effective amps, without losing too much detail or control. We were able to effectively drive the speakers using a fraction of the power stated by the manufacturer.
Listening at low volume the bass didn’t dissipate, balance and control remained intact, and kept the smile on my face as I continued to listen to the music. In fact, listening at this volume it was very easy to forget that there was indeed a Hi-Fi there as I had engrossed myself so far into the listening, I forgot about critiquing the speakers every now and then!
From our tests we think that if you’re looking for a high-performance pair of stand-mount speakers the Brigadiers Audio Mu.2 should deserve a place in your shortlist. Very few speakers impress me enough to leave me with little criticism, and these speakers kept leaving me wanting to play “just one more song”.
The Brigadier Mu.2 loudspeakers will be available in the next couple of weeks and cost £4,995.